Wydarzenia i imprezy

Second International Tax Conference Taxes of Tomorrow. Directions of tax law development in European countries - 20 September 2024

Data publikacji: 2024-05-23

Silesian Branch of the National Chamber of Tax Advisers
in cooperation with
Faculty of Law and Administration,
University of Silesia in Katowice
would like to invite you to participate in the
Second International Tax Conference
Taxes of Tomorrow.
Directions of tax law development in European countries
which will be held on-line on 20 September 2024

The Conference is organized by the Board of the Silesian Branch of the National
Chamber of Tax Advisers in collaboration with the Faculty of Law and Administration at
the University of Silesia. Its goal is to identify and delineate the development directions
of tax law in EU countries, aiming to develop model legislative solutions that these
countries have implemented in response to current challenges and the evolving tax
landscape. The primary objective is to assess the priorities of European legislators in
shaping tax law, explore the legislative approaches taken by individual countries to
address these issues, and evaluate the resultant effects.

The conference will be conducted entirely in English.

Participants wishing to actively contribute with a presentation should submit their
application by 31 July 2024 using the online form available at the following link:
https://forms.office.com/e/duYDhAr2sE. They must also submit a brief abstract and a
biographical note via email to slaski@kidp.pl by 15 August 2024.

Passive participants (those not presenting) can register their attendance up until 31
August 2024.

Submissions should align with the conference's theme and could include topics such as:
• Taxation of new technologies, robotics, and artificial intelligence;
• Green taxation;
• Use of ICT tools in tax proceedings and the automation and computerization of
tax administration tasks;
• Implementation of the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) initiatives and
measures against aggressive tax optimization;
• Harmonization of tax law within the European Union.

The Organizing Committee will notify participants of the acceptance of their papers via
email. Due to potentially high submission volumes, the Committee reserves the right to
select the papers. All presenters will be informed by 15 August 2024 about the
acceptance of their papers for oral presentation. Each presentation at the conference is
allotted 20 minutes.

Attendance at the conference is free of charge. Links for joining the conference on MS
Teams will be sent to all panelists and passive participants two weeks prior to the event.

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